Today I am going to talk to you about the most important part of a ship or a boat.Today I hope to introduce the basics about this part.In future articles I hope to introduce you in great detail about every little part here. This part is called hull.

What is 'hull'

The hull is the main body of the ship
below the main outside deck. The hull
consists of an outside covering (or skin)
and an inside framework to which the
skin is secured. The skin and framework
are usually made of steel and secured by
welding. However, there may still be some
areas where rivets are used. The steel skin
may also be called shell can be said that it is the watertight enclosure of the ship, which protects the cargo, machinery, and accommodation spaces of the ship from the weather, flooding, and structural damage.The main centerline structural part of the
hull is the keel, which runs from the stem
at the bow to the sternpost at the stern.
The keel is the backbone of the ship. To
the keel are fastened the frames, which
run athwartship. 
             A structural keel is the bottom-most structural member around which the hull of a ship is built. The keel runs along the centerline of the ship, from the bow to the stern. The keel is often the first part of a ship's hull to be constructed, and laying the keel. or placing the keel in the cradle in which the ship will be built may mark the start time of its construction. Large, modern ships are now often built in a series of pre-fabricated, complete hull sections rather than being built around a single keel, so the shipbuilding process commences with the cutting of the first sheet of steel 
               These are the ribs of the ship and gives shape and strength to the hull. Deck beams and bulkheads .support the decks and gives added strength to resist the pressure of the water on the sides of the hull.
A structural keel is the bottom-most structural member around which the hull of a ship is built. The keel runs along the centerline of the ship, from the bow to the stern. The keel is often the first part of a ship's hull to be constructed, and laying the keel. or placing the keel in the cradle in which the ship will be built may mark the start time of its construction. Large, modern ships are now often built in a series of pre-fabricated, complete hull sections rather than being built around a single keel, so the shipbuilding process commences with the cutting of the first sheet of steel

 I hope to bring you many more articles like this in the future.So stay tuned with this blog.Don't forget to comment. Have a nice day


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