Hello guys, here is a new article brought to you today..Today we are going to talk about the main person of a ship. That is the captain of the ship.OK let's go to the article

A sea captain, ship's captain, captain, master, or shipmaster, is a high-grade licensed mariner who holds ultimate command and responsibility of a merchant vessel.The ship's captain has a number of responsibilities, some of which include safe and efficient operation of the ship - including its seaworthiness, safety and security, cargo operations, navigation, crew management, and legal compliance - and for the persons and cargo on board.The requirements for becoming a captain are a license.master's license or extra master's license or commissioned officer Those are the license.

Let us now discuss separately some of the important things related to a Captain.


First of all you might say that it involves an enormous responsibility. The Captain is in charge of everything and everyone on board. He has complete responsibility for running the ship while at sea and for the safety of the crew, passengers and cargo. Whenever there is an emergency or a serious problem of any kind he will be called upon. He does not stand a watch but in reality he is on duty 24 hours a day. He will be on the bridge, conning the ship in foul weather or fog until the danger is over, for however long it.takes, be it 24, 38 or 72 hours, and no matter how tired or exhausted he is. Although not a rule, he usually also the last to abandon ship in case of a disaster.


The Master of a ship is not actually a crew member. But I have to supervise the work of any other officer or crew member on board. He direct or oversee crew members who steer the vessel, determine its position, communicate with other vessels, operate and overhaul engines, perform maintenance, handle lines or operate vessel equipment of any kind. 

This means that, in theory, He has to be as familiar with the work done by stewards and cooks in the Catering department, engineers and pump men (on a tanker) in the Engine department as he is with the work of the Mates on the bridge and the Able Seamen, Ordinary Seamen and other deckhands in the Deck department. All this makes him into a kind of Personnel Manager - it is important to maintain a good morale, team spirit and atmosphere on board.


The Master of a merchant vessel is the agent of the company that owns the ship.

 This means that he represents the company business in every operation both at sea and in port. A Captain has to be able to coordinate both of these aspects. All this involves quite a lot of paper work. When we are at sea, His bridge officers and himself maintain the Ship's Log and the records of the ship's movements. Then there are the Ship's Papers such as the Certificate of Registry, the Muster Roll or Crew List etc. and the documents dealing with loading and unloading of the ship; the Bill of Lading, the Cargo Manifest, the Stowage Plan, the Dangerous Goods Stowage Plan, the Loading and Discharging plan.

 There are quite a number of documents concerning the ship's safety and security, certificates issued by Classification Societies and other Maritime Authorities. They are all granted by the ship's Flag State. This bureaucracy is increasing all the time.

Finally there are the documents for clearance with port authorities and Port State Control. Today port security regulations have become very strict- the ISPS Code has increased our work as well.


Uniforms are worn aboard many ships, or aboard any vessels of traditional and organized navigation companies, and are required by company regulation on passenger and cruise vessels.

In the passenger-carrying trade a unified corporate image is often desired and it is useful for those unfamiliar with the vessel to be able to identify members of the crew and their function. Some companies and some countries use an executive curl similar to that of the Royal Navy.

In the United States, and in numerous other maritime countries, captains and officers of shipping companies may wear a merchant navy or merchant marine regular uniform in conjunction with their employment.

-A captain's insignia that features the executive curl-

I will stop this article here today.  Stay tuned with us to read more important articles like this and increase your knowledge of the naval field.I look forward to bringing you articles on all the factors needed to become a captain and the facilities available in the country where you live.  Please comment below what you need in future articles. Have a nice day


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