6 Worst Cruise Ship Accidents Happened in the World

Hello guys, I came to see you today with another important article.Today we are going to talk about 6 Worst Cruise Ship Accidents Happened in the World.A large number of human lives have been lost due to these accidents. Many of these accidents were due to negligence.Okay, now let’s get to the article.

01. Wilhelm Gustloff

Guys, this is the biggest shipwreck in the world, but it's not an accident, it's a deliberate shipwreck. The ship's name is M.V Wilhelm Gustloff .In 1936, Germany created this ship as a passenger ship.  Then, during World War II, Germany rebuilt the ship with a hospital to transport its troops. 
       On January 30, 1945, the German army suffered a heavy defeat in the face of Russian attacks.
        The Nazis retreated in the face of Russian attack and set sail for another safe place. Thousands of city dwellers tried to board the ship for their own safety.  Struck by torpedo 3, the ship was sunk by a torpedo, the ship did not have enough life jackets, 9,000 people drowned in the cold water, this is the worst attack on a ship to date.

02. SS Eastland

 Guys, the SS Eastland is also known as the Speed ​​Queen of the Great Lakes.  Due to the shipwreck, the shipping company paid more attention to the safety of this ship.  But believe me, this ship was in danger because of the increased security.  

    Yeah, SS Eastland had a lot of lifeboats on board.  On July 24, 1915, the ship sailed to  Michigan City on Lake Michigan for a one-day voyage with the employees of the Western Electric Company and their families.  At that time there were about 2500 passengers on board the ship including the crew and 844 lives were lost due to this accident.  Everyone says that this ship had a lot of lifeboats and that the ship was in danger due to the weight of the ship.

03. MV Royal Pacific

The MV Royal Pacific, which set sail from Singapore on August 21, 1992, carried 534 passengers and crew.  This passenger ship was on its way back to Singapore when it unfortunately crashed. 

      At the time of the accident, some were in the large casino on the ship, while others were asleep.  On the night of August 23, 1992, a speeding fishing vessel collided with a ship.  The ship was severely damaged in that accident.  It took only 10 to 15 minutes for the ship to sink when the water came in. Immediately after the accident, the captain of the ship decided to empty the ship.  All the lifeboats on the ship were lowered, and some jumped into the sea in life jackets.  They were rescued from other ships passing by.  More than 30 lives were lost in this accident.

04. MS Estonia

September 27, 1994 The ship sails to Stockholm, Sweden with more than 900 passengers on board.  The ship had no technical faults, but was intercepted by large waves while sailing across the Baltic Sea.  These large waves caused water to enter the ship. Due to the effects of the continuous large waves, the water inside the ship began to fill up. As a result, many passengers were trapped in their rooms.  There were 981 people on board that day, including the crew.  852 lives were lost in this unfortunate accident.

05. Costa Concordia

The Costa Concordia is an Italian passenger ship. On January 13, 2012, the Costa Concordia sailed from Chivitaverchia, Italy to Savona with 1023 crew members and 3206 crew.  The captain has turned the ship towards the island for a maritime salute near an island near the passage.  A Maritime Salute is an old naval etiquette.  There's an old-fashioned way of saluting the captain with the ship's horn.  But it was later banned.  Despite the ban on this etiquette, the captain of the Costa Concordia turned the ship towards Tuscan Island to pay his respects.  Due to the captain's arbitrary decision, the ship collided with a reef near the island. The ship capsized and sank. 32 lives were lost in that accident.  The ship's captain was also sentenced to 16 years in prison.

06. RMS Titanic 

The RMS Titanic is the world's largest sinking ship. The builders never thought the ship would break in two and sink.  The White Star Line Company was well known for the strength and speed of its ships.  The Titanic can carry more than 3300 passengers.  But for the first voyage, there were only 2224 passengers and crew on board. The ship had all the amenities, including a gym, swimming pool, library, high class restaurant and comfortable bedrooms for first class passengers.  This ship was ready for any possible accident.  The first voyage of the Titanic left Southampton on April 10, 1912 for New York.  On the morning of April 15, 1912, the Titanic collided with an iceberg.  After that accident, water began to seep into the ark.  Despite the safety equipment, the ship had only 20 lifeboats.  That was not enough for the 2224 passengers on board.  Due to the belief in the safety of the ship, there were only a small number of lifeboats on board. First, women and small children were allowed on board.  Within hours of the accident, the ship broke in two.  More than 1,500 people lost their lives in this unfortunate accident.

Stay tuned to our website until we find another important article like this. Have a Nice Day..!!!!


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