Different ranks of sailors

Hello guys, I came to see you today with a very important article.Today we are going to talk about the different ranks of sailors.Sailing is a team work.So that team has different ranks.Mainly those ranks are also classified under three departments.These departments can be categorized as Engine Department, Deck Department and Catering Department.We now turn our attention to rank.


You may remember that we talked about Master in an earlier article.  Master is the captain of the ship.He controls all aspects of the ship and does not belong to any department.But only an officer in the deck department can become a master.Master has a lot of great responsibilities.The other members are obliged to carry out all activities on the ship with his approval.

Let us now discuss the ranks under the Deck Department.

Deck Department

Chief Mate/ Chief Officer

Chief Mate serves as the head of the ship's deck department.Must have Deck Class II certification to be a Chief Mate.The next captain will be Chief Mate.In the absence of the ship's captain, he has to hold that position.He is also responsible for the cargo of the ship. In addition, he is responsible for handling a ship's mooring station. At sea, his bridge watches are 0400AM-0800 PM and 1600PM-2000 PM.

Second Mate / Second Officer

The main requirement for a second mate is a deck class III  certificate.He is the next Chief Mate.he has to select charts, draw courses and calculate distances.He also serves as the ship's medical officer.He should also do things like testing bridge equipment.At sea his bridge watches are 0000 AM–0400 AM and 1200PM–1600 PM and In port, his duty time is 0000 AM-0600 AM and 1200PM-1800 PM.

 Third Mate / Third Officer

Like Second Mate, he has a Deck Class III certification, but the Experience is far below him.
At sea his bridge watches are 2000PM-0000AM and 0800AM-1200 PM and In port, his duty time is 0600 AM-1200 PM and 1800PM-0000AM.

Deck Cadet

The Deck Cadet is a trainee Navigation Officer. He may be a fresher (a novice) at sea. He has to perform and learn jobs under the Chief Officer. He does various jobs, from cleaning to navigating ships. The Deck Cadet must never be used as a cheap labourer by his seniors. He must be taught and guided.


The Bosun is the deck foreman, or the crew’s spokesman. The senior AB (Able-Bodied Seaman) will become the Bosun. He will perform various jobs on deck: wire splicing, mixing paints, cleaning, arranging stores, assisting the Chief Mate during anchoring, and, most of the time, supervising the deck ratings. He must bring any problem related to the crew to the Chief Mate’s concern.

Able-Bodied Seaman (AB)

The Able-Bodied Seaman (AB) does maintenance work on deck. He does things like chipping, painting, washing, cleaning, and greasing equipment. He will also steer the ship and assist the duty officer with bridge watch. The AB, with experience, can become a Bosun.

Ordinary Seaman (OS)

The Ordinary Seaman (OS) does maintenance work on deck: chipping, painting, washing, cleaning, and greasing equipment. The difference between the OS and the AB is that the Ordinary Seaman will not steer the ship and will not assist the Bridge watch. But with experience, steering practice, and certified watch-keeping, the Ordinary Seaman can become an AB.

Engine Department

Chief Engineer

He is the head of the ship's engine department.The Chief Engineer holds an Engine Class I Certificate.All the affairs of the engine room are under his control.He also assigns duties to other engineers.It is his duty to report all the work in the engine room to the master.

Second Engineer

The Second Engineer holds an Engine Class II Certificate.At sea, his engine watches are 0400AM – 0800AM & 1600PM – 2000PM. But nowadays, because most ships are equipped with the UMS (Unmanned Machinery Spaces) system, he has to work 0800AM-1700PM.

Third Engineer

The Third Engineer has an Engine Class III Certificate.He will be the next Second Engineer.At sea, his engine watches are 0000AM – 0400AM & 1200PM – 1600PM. But nowadays most ships are equipped with UMS (Unmanned Machinery Spaces) system, so he has to work 0800AM-1700PM.

Engine Cadet

The Engine Cadet is a trainee engineer officer. He may be a fresher or novice at sea. He has to perform and learn jobs under the Second Engineer. He does various jobs from bilge cleaning to operating the main engine. The Engine Cadet must never be used as a cheap labourer by his seniors; he must be taught and guided.


The Electrician doesn’t hold a Certificate of Competency, but his rank is equal to that of the Second Mate and Third Engineer. He works under the Chief Engineer. He performs various jobs related to electricity, from changing light bulbs to generator repairs. Electricians start as Electrician Cadets, or they may come from the Navy.


The Fitter is an expert in welding, grinding, boring and gas cutting. He operates the lathe machine as well. Most of the time he works in the engine department under the Second Engineer, but you find Deck Fitters as Voyage Fitters as well. His rank is equal to Bosun.


The Oiler does maintenance work in the engine room. He assists the duty engineer at watch (unless the ship is a UMS ship). He helps Engineers by overhauling machinery, and doing cleaning and Painting. This rank is equal to AB. At times the oiler with experience may become a Pump Man.


The Wiper does cleaning jobs in the engine room. He also assists Engineers in overhauling Machinery. With experience he may become an Oiler.

Catering Department

Chief Cook

He prepares the food for the ship's crew.He prepares meals for a variety of menus to suit everyone on board.He helps the Master order provisions. His rank is equal to Bosun.


He acts as Chief Cook's assistant.He is responsible for chopping vegetables, keeping the galley clean, assisting with cooking, and serving food to officers.He has to wash all plates and cutlery. He cleans officers' cabins and washed linen. His rank is equal to OS.

I hope to talk to you today and bring you more introductory articles with all the ranks in the future.So stay tuned to our web page. Leave your valuable comments below


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